Module mmtk::build_info::raw

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  • The endianness, given by CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENDIAN.
  • The toolchain-environment, given by CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ENV.
  • The OS-family, given by CARGO_CFG_TARGET_FAMILY.
  • The operating system, given by CARGO_CFG_TARGET_OS.
  • The pointer width, given by CARGO_CFG_TARGET_POINTER_WIDTH.
  • The target architecture, given by CARGO_CFG_TARGET_ARCH.
  • The Continuous Integration platform detected during compilation.
  • Value of DEBUG for the profile used during compilation.
  • The features that were enabled during compilation.
  • The features as above, as lowercase strings.
  • The feature-string as above, from lowercase strings.
  • The features as a comma-separated string.
  • If the crate was compiled from within a git-repository, GIT_COMMIT_HASH contains HEAD’s full commit SHA-1 hash.
  • If the crate was compiled from within a git-repository, GIT_COMMIT_HASH_SHORT contains HEAD’s short commit SHA-1 hash.
  • If the repository had dirty/staged files.
  • If the crate was compiled from within a git-repository, GIT_HEAD_REF contains full name to the reference pointed to by HEAD (e.g.: refs/heads/master). If HEAD is detached or the branch name is not valid UTF-8 None will be stored.
  • If the crate was compiled from within a git-repository, GIT_VERSION contains HEAD’s tag. The short commit id is used if HEAD is not tagged.
  • The host triple of the rust compiler.
  • The parallelism that was specified during compilation.
  • Value of OPT_LEVEL for the profile used during compilation.
  • A colon-separated list of authors.
  • The description.
  • The homepage.
  • The license.
  • The name of the package.
  • The source repository as advertised in Cargo.toml.
  • The full version.
  • The major version.
  • The minor version.
  • The patch version.
  • The pre-release version.
  • release for release builds, debug for other builds.
  • The compiler that cargo resolved to use.
  • The output of /home/runner/.rustup/toolchains/1.77.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/rustc -V
  • The documentation generator that cargo resolved to use.
  • The output of /home/runner/.rustup/toolchains/1.77.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/rustdoc -V; empty string if /home/runner/.rustup/toolchains/1.77.0-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/bin/rustdoc -V failed to execute
  • The target triple that was being compiled for.