
Module marksweepspace

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Mark sweep space. MMTk provides two implementations of mark sweep:

  1. mark sweep using a native freelist allocator implemented in MMTk. This is the default mark sweep implementation, and most people should use this.
  2. mark sweep using malloc as its freelist allocator. Use the feature malloc_mark_sweep to enable it. As we do not control the allocation of malloc, we have to work around a few issues to make it for mark sweep. Thus it has considerably worse performance. This is an experimental feature, and should only be used if you are actually interested in using malloc as the allocator. Otherwise this should not be used.


  • malloc_ms ๐Ÿ”’
    Malloc mark sweep. This uses MallocSpace and MallocAllocator.
  • native_ms ๐Ÿ”’
    Native mark sweep. This uses MarkSweepSpace and FreeListAllocator.