API Migration Guide

This document lists changes to the MMTk-VM API that require changes to be made by the VM bindings. VM binding developers can use this document as a guide to update their code to maintain compatibility with the latest release of MMTk.

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handle_user_collection_request returns bool


memory_manager::handle_user_collection_request now returns a boolean value to indicate whether a GC is triggered by the method or not. Bindings may use the return value to do some post-gc cleanup, or simply ignore the return value.

API changes:

  • module memory_manager
    • handle_user_collection_request now returns bool to indicate if a GC is triggered by the method. Bindings may use the value, or simply ignore it.

See also:

ObjectReference must point inside an object


ObjectReference is now required to be an address within an object. The concept of "in-object address" and related methods are removed. Some methods which used to depend on the "in-object address" no longer need the <VM> type argument.

API changes:

  • struct ObjectReference
    • Its "raw address" must be within an object now.
    • The following methods which were used to access the in-object address are removed.
      • from_address
      • to_address
      • When accessing side metadata, the "raw address" should be used, instead.
    • The following methods no longer have the <VM> type argument.
      • get_forwarded_object
      • is_in_any_space
      • is_live
      • is_movable
      • is_reachable
  • module memory_manager
    • is_mmtk_object: It now requires the address parameter to be non-zero and word-aligned.
      • Otherwise it will not be a legal ObjectReference in the first place. The user should filter out such illegal values.
    • The following functions no longer have the <VM> type argument.
      • find_object_from_internal_pointer
      • is_in_mmtk_space
      • is_live_object
      • is_pinned
      • pin_object
      • unpin_object
  • struct Region
    • The following methods no longer have the <VM> type argument.
      • containing
  • trait ObjectModel
    • IN_OBJECT_ADDRESS_OFFSET: removed because it is no longer needed.

See also:


is_mmtk_object returns Option<ObjectReference>


memory_manager::is_mmtk_object now returns Option<ObjectReference> instead of bool. Bindings can use the returned object reference instead of computing the object reference at the binding side.

API changes:

  • module memory_manager
    • is_mmtk_object now returns Option<ObjectReference>.

See also:



We used to have ObjectModel::ref_to_address and ObjectModel::address_to_ref, and require the object reference and the in-object address to have a constant offset. Now, the two methods are removed, and replaced with a constant ObjectModel::IN_OBJECT_ADDRESS_OFFSET.

API changes:

  • trait ObjectModel
    • The methods ref_to_address and address_to_ref are removed.
    • Users are required to specify IN_OBJECT_ADDRESS_OFFSET instead, which is the offset from the object reference to the in-object address (the in-object address was the return value for the old ref_to_address()).
  • type ObjectReference
    • Add a constant ALIGNMENT which equals to the word size. All object references should be at least aligned to the word size. This is checked in debug builds when an ObjectReference is constructed.

See also:


Rename "edge" to "slot"


The word "edge" in many identifiers have been changed to "slot" if it actaully means slot. Notable items include the traits Edge, EdgeVisitor, the module edge_shape, and member types and functions in the Scanning and VMBinding traits. The VM bindings should not only make changes in response to the changes in MMTk-core, but also make changes to their own identifiers if they also use "edge" where it should have been "slot". The find/replace tools in text editors and the refactoring/renaming tools in IDEs should be helpful.

API changes:

  • module edge_shape -> slot
  • type RootsWorkFactory
    • <ES: Edge> -> <SL: Slot>
    • create_process_edge_roots_work -> create_process_roots_work
  • type SimpleEdge -> SimpleSlot
  • type UnimplementedMemorySliceEdgeIterator -> UnimplementedMemorySliceSlotIterator
  • trait Edge -> Slot
  • trait EdgeVisitor -> SlotVisitor
    • <ES: Edge> -> <SL: Slot>
    • visit_edge -> visit_slot
  • trait MemorySlice
    • Edge -> SlotType
    • EdgeIterator -> SlotIterator
    • iter_edges -> iter_slots
  • trait Scanning
    • support_edge_enqueuing -> support_slot_enqueuing
    • scan_object
      • <EV: EdgeVisitor> -> <SV: SlotVisitor>
    • scan_roots_in_mutator_thread
      • Type parameter of factory changed. See type RootsWorkFactory.
    • scan_vm_specific_roots
      • Same as above.
  • trait VMBinding
    • VMEdge -> VMSlot

See also:


ObjectReference is no longer nullable


ObjectReference can no longer represent a NULL reference. Some methods of ObjectReference and the write barrier functions in memory_manager are changed. VM bindings need to re-implement methods of the Edge, ObjectModel and ReferenceGlue traits.

API changes:

  • type ObjectReference
    • It can no longer represent NULL reference.
      • It is now backed by NonZeroUsize, and MMTk uses Option<ObjectReference> universally when an ObjectReference may or may not exist. It is more idiomatic in Rust.
    • The constant ObjectReference::NULL is removed.
    • is_null() is removed.
    • from_raw_address(addr)
      • The return type is changed to Option<ObjectReference>.
      • It returns None if addr is not zero.
      • If you know addr cannot be zero, you can use the new method from_raw_address_unchecked(addr), instead.
  • module mmtk::memory_manager
    • Only affects users of write barriers
    • object_reference_write_pre(mutator, obj, slot, target)
      • The target parameter is now Option<ObjectReference>.
      • Pass None if the slot was holding a NULL reference or any non-reference value.
    • object_reference_write_post(mutator, obj, slot, target)
      • Same as above.
    • object_reference_write(mutator, obj, slot, target)
      • It is labelled as #[deprecated] and needs to be redesigned. It cannot handle the case of storing a non-reference value (such as tagged small integer) into the slot.
      • Before a replacement is available, use object_reference_write_pre and object_reference_write_post, instead.
  • trait Edge
    • load()
      • The return type is changed to Option<ObjectReference>.
      • It returns None if the slot is holding a NULL reference or other non-reference values. MMTk will skip those slots.
  • trait ObjectModel
    • copy(from, semantics, copy_context)
      • Previously VM bindings convert the result of copy_context.alloc_copy() to ObjectReference using ObjectReference::from_raw_address().
      • Because CopyContext::alloc_copy() never returns zero, you can use ObjectReference::from_raw_address_unchecked() to skip the zero check.
    • get_reference_when_copied_to(from, to)
      • to is never zero because MMTk only calls this after the destination is determined.
      • You may skip the zero check, too.
    • address_to_ref(addr)
      • addr is never zero because this method is an inverse operation of ref_to_address(objref) where objref is never NULL.
      • You may skip the zero check, too.
  • trait ReferenceGlue
    • Note: If your VM binding is still using ReferenceGlue and the reference processor and finalization processor in mmtk-core, it is strongly recommended to switch to the Scanning::process_weak_refs method and implement weak reference and finalization processing on the VM side.
    • get_referent()
      • The return type is changed to Option<ObjectReference>.
      • It now returns None if the referent is cleared.
    • clear_referent()
      • It now needs to be explicitly implemented because ObjectReference::NULL no longer exists.
      • Note: The Edge trait does not have a method for storing NULL to a slot. The VM binding needs to implement its own method to store NULL to a slot.

Not API change, but worth noting:

  • Functions that return Option<ObjectReference>
    • memory_manager::get_finalized_object
    • ObjectReference::get_forwarded_object
      • The functions listed above did not change, as they still return Option<ObjectReference>. But some VM bindings used to expose them to native programs by wrapping them into extern "C" functions that return ObjectReference, and return ObjectReference::NULL for None. This is no longer possible since we removed ObjectReference::NULL. The VM bindings should use mmtk::util::api_util::NullableObjectReference for the return type instead.

See also:

Instance methods of ObjectReference changed


Some methods of ObjectReference now have a type parameter <VM>. ObjectReference::value() is removed.

API changes:

  • type ObjectReference
    • The following methods now require a generic argument <VM: VMBinding>:
      • ObjectReference::is_reachable
      • ObjectReference::is_live
      • ObjectReference::is_movable
      • ObjectReference::get_forwarded_object
      • ObjectReference::is_in_any_space
      • ObjectReference::is_sane
    • ObjectReference::value() is removed.
      • Use ObjectReference::to_raw_address() instead.

See also:

The GC controller (a.k.a. coordinator) is removed


The GC controller thread is removed from MMTk core. The VM binding needs to re-implement Collection::spawn_gc_thread and call GCWorker::run differently.

API changes:

  • type GCWorker
    • GCWorker::run
      • It now takes ownership of the Box<GCWorker> instance instead of borrowing it.
      • The VM binding can simply call the method worker.run() on the worker instance from GCThreadContext::Worker(worker).
  • module mmtk::memory_manager
    • start_worker
      • It is now a simple wrapper of GCWorker::run for legacy code. It takes ownership of the Box<GCWorker> instance, too.
  • trait Collection
    • Collection::spawn_gc_thread
      • It no longer asks the binding to spawn the controller thread.
      • The VM binding can simply remove the code path related to creating the controller thread.
      • Note the API change when calling GCWorker::run or start_worker.

See also: