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//! Plan-specific constraints.
use crate::plan::barriers::BarrierSelector;
use crate::util::constants::*;
/// This struct defines plan-specific constraints.
/// Most of the constraints are constants. Each plan should declare a constant of this struct,
/// and use the constant wherever possible. However, for plan-neutral implementations,
/// these constraints are not constant.
pub struct PlanConstraints {
/// Does the plan collect garbage? Obviously most plans do, but NoGC does not collect.
pub collects_garbage: bool,
/// True if the plan moves objects.
pub moves_objects: bool,
/// Size (in bytes) beyond which new regular objects must be allocated to the LOS.
/// This usually depends on the restriction of the default allocator, e.g. block size for Immix,
/// nursery size, max possible cell for freelist, etc.
pub max_non_los_default_alloc_bytes: usize,
/// Size (in bytes) beyond which copied objects must be copied to the LOS.
/// This depends on the copy allocator.
pub max_non_los_copy_bytes: usize,
/// Does this plan use the log bit? See vm::ObjectModel::GLOBAL_LOG_BIT_SPEC.
pub needs_log_bit: bool,
/// Some plans may allow benign race for testing mark bit, and this will lead to trace the same
/// edge multiple times. If a plan allows tracing duplicated edges, we will not run duplicate
/// edge check in extreme_assertions.
/// Note: Both [`crate::vm::Scanning::scan_object`] (which enqueues slots) and
/// [`crate::vm::Scanning::scan_object_and_trace_edges`] (which traces the targets directly) are
/// affected by such benign races. But our current duplicate edge check in extreme_assertions
/// only identifies duplicated slots.
pub may_trace_duplicate_edges: bool,
/// The barrier this plan uses. A binding may check this and know what kind of write barrier is in use
/// if they would like to implement the barrier fast path in the binding side.
pub barrier: BarrierSelector,
// the following seems unused for now
/// True if this plan requires linear scanning. This is unused and may be incorrect.
pub needs_linear_scan: bool,
/// True if this plan requires concurrent worker threads. This is unused and may be incorrect.
pub needs_concurrent_workers: bool,
/// Some policies do object forwarding after the first liveness transitive closure, such as mark compact.
/// For plans that use those policies, they should set this as true.
pub needs_forward_after_liveness: bool,
/// Some (in fact, most) plans do nothing when preparing mutators before tracing (i.e. in
/// `MutatorConfig::prepare_func`). Those plans can set this to `false` so that the
/// `PrepareMutator` work packets will not be created at all.
pub needs_prepare_mutator: bool,
impl PlanConstraints {
/// A const function to create the default plan constraints.
pub const fn default() -> Self {
PlanConstraints {
collects_garbage: true,
moves_objects: false,
max_non_los_default_alloc_bytes: MAX_INT,
max_non_los_copy_bytes: MAX_INT,
// As `LAZY_SWEEP` is true, needs_linear_scan is true for all the plans. This is strange.
// trackes the issue.
needs_linear_scan: crate::util::constants::SUPPORT_CARD_SCANNING
|| crate::util::constants::LAZY_SWEEP,
needs_concurrent_workers: false,
may_trace_duplicate_edges: false,
needs_forward_after_liveness: false,
needs_log_bit: false,
barrier: BarrierSelector::NoBarrier,
needs_prepare_mutator: true,
/// The default plan constraints. Each plan should define their own plan contraints.
/// They can start from the default constraints and explicitly set some of the fields.
pub(crate) const DEFAULT_PLAN_CONSTRAINTS: PlanConstraints = PlanConstraints::default();
// Use 16 pages as the size limit for non-LOS objects to avoid copying large objects