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//! MMTk-to-VM interface: the VMBinding trait.
//! This module provides VM-specific traits that serve as MMTK-to-VM interfaces.
//! Each VM binding needs to provide an implementation for each of the traits.
//! MMTk requires the interfaces to be efficient, as some of the methods are called frequently
//! during collection (e.g. the methods for `ObjectModel`). We rely on cross-crate *link-time-optimization*
//! to remove the overhead of MMTk invoking methods on those traits.
//! It is recommended for a VM binding that uses mmtk-core to do the following to ensure LTO is enabled for performance.
//! 1. Add the following section in the manifest file of a VM binding (`Cargo.toml`). This enables LTO for the release build:
//! ```
//! [profile.release]
//! lto = true
//! ```
//! 2. Make sure that the crate type for a VM binding supports LTO. To our knowledge, `staticlib` and `cdylib` support LTO, and
//! `rlib` does *not* support LTO.
mod active_plan;
mod collection;
pub(crate) mod object_model;
mod reference_glue;
mod scanning;
pub mod slot;
pub use self::active_plan::ActivePlan;
pub use self::collection::Collection;
pub use self::collection::GCThreadContext;
pub use self::object_model::specs::*;
pub use self::object_model::ObjectModel;
pub use self::reference_glue::Finalizable;
pub use self::reference_glue::ReferenceGlue;
pub use self::scanning::ObjectTracer;
pub use self::scanning::ObjectTracerContext;
pub use self::scanning::RootsWorkFactory;
pub use self::scanning::Scanning;
pub use self::scanning::SlotVisitor;
mod tests;
/// Default min alignment 4 bytes
/// Default max alignment 8 bytes
/// The `VMBinding` trait associates with each trait, and provides VM-specific constants.
pub trait VMBinding
Self: Sized + 'static + Send + Sync + Default,
/// The binding's implementation of [`crate::vm::ObjectModel`].
type VMObjectModel: ObjectModel<Self>;
/// The binding's implementation of [`crate::vm::Scanning`].
type VMScanning: Scanning<Self>;
/// The binding's implementation of [`crate::vm::Collection`].
type VMCollection: Collection<Self>;
/// The binding's implementation of [`crate::vm::ActivePlan`].
type VMActivePlan: ActivePlan<Self>;
/// The binding's implementation of [`crate::vm::ReferenceGlue`].
type VMReferenceGlue: ReferenceGlue<Self>;
/// The type of slots in this VM.
type VMSlot: slot::Slot;
/// The type of heap memory slice in this VM.
type VMMemorySlice: slot::MemorySlice<SlotType = Self::VMSlot>;
/// A value to fill in alignment gaps. This value can be used for debugging.
const ALIGNMENT_VALUE: usize = 0xdead_beef;
/// Allowed minimal alignment in bytes.
/// Allowed maximum alignment in bytes.
/// Does the binding use a non-zero allocation offset? If this is false, we expect the binding
/// to always use offset === 0 for allocation, and we are able to do some optimization if we know
/// offset === 0.
const USE_ALLOCATION_OFFSET: bool = true;
/// This value is used to assert if the cursor is reasonable after allocations.
/// At the end of an allocation, the allocation cursor should be aligned to this value.
/// Note that MMTk does not attempt to do anything to align the cursor to this value, but
/// it merely asserts with this constant.
const ALLOC_END_ALIGNMENT: usize = 1;