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//! This is a simple module to log slogs and check for duplicate slots.
//! It uses a hash-set to keep track of slots, and is so very expensive.
//! We currently only use this as part of the `extreme_assertions` feature.
use crate::plan::Plan;
use crate::vm::slot::Slot;
use crate::vm::VMBinding;
use std::collections::HashSet;
use std::sync::RwLock;
pub struct SlotLogger<SL: Slot> {
// A private hash-set to keep track of slots.
slot_log: RwLock<HashSet<SL>>,
unsafe impl<SL: Slot> Sync for SlotLogger<SL> {}
impl<SL: Slot> SlotLogger<SL> {
pub fn new() -> Self {
Self {
slot_log: Default::default(),
/// Logs a slot.
/// Panics if the slot was already logged.
/// # Arguments
/// * `slot` - The slot to log.
pub fn log_slot(&self, slot: SL) {
trace!("log_slot({:?})", slot);
let mut slot_log = self.slot_log.write().unwrap();
"duplicate slot ({:?}) detected",
/// Reset the slot logger by clearing the hash-set of slots.
/// This function is called at the end of each GC iteration.
pub fn reset(&self) {
let mut slot_log = self.slot_log.write().unwrap();
/// Whether we should check duplicate slots. This depends on the actual plan.
pub fn should_check_duplicate_slots<VM: VMBinding>(plan: &dyn Plan<VM = VM>) -> bool {
// If a plan allows tracing duplicate edges, we should not run this check.