//! Memory policies that can be used for spaces.
/// This class defines and manages spaces. Each policy is an instance
/// of a space. A space is a region of virtual memory (contiguous or
/// discontigous) which is subject to the same memory management
/// regime. Multiple spaces (instances of this class or its
/// descendants) may have the same policy (eg there could be numerous
/// instances of CopySpace, each with different roles). Spaces are
/// defined in terms of a unique region of virtual memory, so no two
/// space instances ever share any virtual memory.
/// In addition to tracking virtual memory use and the mapping to
/// policy, spaces also manage memory consumption (*used* virtual
/// memory).
pub mod space;
/// Copy context defines the thread local copy allocator for copying policies.
pub mod copy_context;
/// Policy specific GC work
pub mod gc_work;
pub mod sft;
pub mod sft_map;
pub mod copyspace;
pub mod immix;
pub mod immortalspace;
pub mod largeobjectspace;
pub mod lockfreeimmortalspace;
pub mod markcompactspace;
pub mod marksweepspace;
#[cfg(feature = "vm_space")]
pub mod vmspace;