//! This module provides an implementation of side table metadata.
// For convenience, this module is public and the bindings may create and use side metadata for their purpose.
mod constants;
pub(crate) mod helpers;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
mod helpers_32;
mod global;
pub(crate) mod ranges;
mod sanity;
mod side_metadata_tests;
pub(crate) mod spec_defs;
pub use constants::*;
pub use global::*;
// Re-export helper functions. Allow unused imports in case there is no function that can be re-exported.
pub(crate) use helpers::*;
#[cfg(target_pointer_width = "32")]
pub(crate) use helpers_32::*;
pub(crate) use sanity::SideMetadataSanity;